April 1, 2022 letter from Ron Kelsey to Mayor Garner and commissioners

Dear Mayor/CEO Tyrone Garner and Board of Commissioners,

Yesterday evening, March 31, during one of our peaceful sidewalk protests at 6013 Leavenworth Rd led by Pastor Alvarez, Iglesia Adonai Kansas church with several members of his church participating, Planned Parenthood acknowledged that this was their location. This occurred when the outdoor speakers/surveillance cameras announced that "On behalf of Planned Parenthood" we needed to remove the car parked in their parking lot immediately or that it would be towed away. This was actually a car parked in their lot by a local business and not a sidewalk protestor. We notified the local business about this threat and they subsequently moved their vehicle before it was towed away.

Please accept this email as yet another request to meet individually with each of you elected officials. I, respectfully, ask each of you, individually, to let me know when I may meet with you. Time is critical to immediately schedule these meetings. The final building inspection of 6013 Leavenworth Rd is scheduled for April 18.

I also ask your support for me to be granted my Request to Appear on the agenda of your April 7 Full Commission meeting. I made the request several days ago but I have not yet been notified that my request has been granted. On April 7 Planned Parenthood Exposed has a Stop Planned Parenthood in KCK rally scheduled at City Hall plaza from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We have notified the police department of this rally. I do expect several people from this rally to peacefully and respectfully attend the Full Commission meeting.

Finally, I want to draw your attention to the April 1, 2022 Leaven article at http://theleaven.org/pro-lifers-launch-letter-writing-push-against-possible-new-clinic/ . The Leaven is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Ks covering 21 counties in northeast Kansas. As you know, there is a strong Catholic population in KCK/Wyandotte County.

Ron Kelsey, President Ron Kelsey, President
Planned Parenthood Exposed Kansas City Pregnancy Clinic
913-908-8290 mobile 913-908-8290 mobile
ronkelsey10@gmail.com ronkelsey10@gmail.com
www.PlannedParenthoodExposed.org www.KCpregnancyclinic.org
Stop Planned Parenthood in KCK