If we have faith but the size of a mustard seed we can
“cast Planned Parenthood in KCK into the sea”
and close PP in KCK.
You can help close Planned Parenthood in KCK. How will this be accomplished?
As Christian witnesses on the sidewalks we must "...be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves." Mt 10:16
Action Plan to close PP in KCK
Our Christian Sidewalk Witness is essential in our plan to close PP in KCK. We must become instruments in God's hands.
We need to exploit PP weaknesses. PP has invested $1.5 million in the facility that it owns and it has inherent weaknesses stemming from the public sidewalks that are only 20 feet from the facility entrance thereby elevating the effect of sidewalk witnesses standing in prayer, with rosaries in hand, and with signs. Additionally, Leavenworth Road is a high volume traffic street enhancing our sidewalk witness to vehicles passing by.
PP depends upon employees who are aware of the sidewalk witnesses and we thereby enter into their consciences with our prolife witness. We pray that they will leave employment at PP.
We should pray for the abortionists by name. Orrin Moore is one of the regular abortionists. The other regular abortionist is a female who we have not been able to identify.
We should employ heavenly leverage by asking for the assistance of the Holy Trinity, Our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, all of the Church Triumphant, and our guardian angel. They join us on the sidewalks if we but ask.
Our Christian sidewalk witness is light in the darkness to our society that seems to have turned increasingly away from Jesus.
With faith the size of a mustard seed we will close PP in KCK.
Find our current Christian Sidewalk Witness schedule here.
God in Your infinite mercy, let us be Your instruments to expose Planned Parenthood.
Jesus tells us to ask and we will receive, seek and we will find, knock and the door will be opened.
In faith we ask for the demise of Planned Parenthood and conversion of heart of all who are associated with it.
In hope we seek for the truth to expose the lies of Planned Parenthood.
In love we knock upon the door of justice that it may be opened to the unborn, the youth, the poor, the families and all who are oppressed by the evils of Planned Parenthood. AMEN.